четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.

All Hazard Training

Our Mission: To Empower You with the Skills Needed to Respond Effectively to any Emergency.

All Hazard Training
All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Former Course Code: P- 450. Course Description: This course is designed to provide local and state-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective OSC on an All-Hazards Incident Management Team. These responsibilities fall into two categories: Logistics Section Chief duties: 1) responding to the incident and 2) effectively fulfilling the position responsibilities of a Logistics Section Chief on an All-Hazards ICS Incident Management Team.
All Hazard Training
Exercises, simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable students to process and apply their new knowledge. Selection Criteria: NIMS ICS Position Specific training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to functional, support, or unit leader positions on USFA or other Type III All-Hazards Incident Management Teams (AHIMT), or by those persons who desire to seek credentials/certification in those positions. Prerequisites: Required:ICS 100, 200, 700, 800 Recommended:ICS 300, 400.

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