Amazon Logistics is a Nightmare.
I’ve been an Amazon Prime member for about five years now. In that time, I’ve had a handful of issues and Amazon has taken more than enough care of me because of it. In the last six months, since Amazon Logistics has begun to roll out in the Denver metro area, things have gone downhill. What is Amazon Logistics? Amazon Logistics is supposed to be Amazon’s attempt to become a delivery
service and compete head-on with UPS, FedEx, and USPS. The issue is they hire contractors to deliver packages; it appears these contractors have inconsistent training or are just flat out lazy when it comes to delivering. How Amazon Logistics Has Been a Nightmare for Me. I’ve had the following issues with Amazon Logistics to my home address, which is located in an apartment complex on the Denver/Aurora border: Provided delivery instructions via Amazon’s website are ignored Repeated calls to my phone from unknown Seattle-based numbers asking me where my apartment is Repeated calls to my phone from unknown 800 number asking me to confirm delivery address Ignored calls immediately make my packages undeliverable, despite previous delivery to my address Packages thrown at my door during delivery Packages left at my door without knocking. The issue with the above is that UPS, FedEx, and even the USPS have no issues figuring out how to deliver to an apartment and my apartment complex. UPS and FedEx deliver during business hours directly to my apartment complex office. USPS either leaves packages in our mailboxes or lockboxes; if they can’t, they leave them at the apartment complex office, just like UPS and FedEx. On-Going Issues with Amazon Logistics at My Apartment Complex. Amazon Logistics has only managed to deliver two of my packages to the apartment complex office – both times when I failed to provide delivery instructions via their website. When I know I won’t be home, I have provided delivery instructions
for them to leave packages at my apartment complex office which have been ignored. Those packages have been left at my front door, in plain sight of anyone in my building, and luckily none have been stolen, yet. Every time I call, email, reach out on Twitter, or what-not to Amazon, I just get the same tired excuses and no real customer service. Don’t cancel Prime.
We’ll coach our drivers. These aren’t common issues. Your next order will be fine, you’ll see. Just more excuses from customer service despite just about every delivery I’ve had with Amazon Logistics has had an issue. My Latest Issue with Amazon Logistics. The latest issue comes on a Sunday, which apparently Amazon Logistics is the only company
that will delivery on Sundays for Amazon. USPS no longer does. I was running an errand when I received two calls – with no voicemail – from a 206 area code (October 16, 2017, 3:08 PM.) I then received another call from a 977 number, this time, which left a voicemail (October 16, 2017, 3:12 PM). The voicemail said it was Amazon calling to verify a delivery. Unfortunately, my phone was on silent in my pocket. By the time I called back, I had to explain to the customer service agent – who was nice – why I called. She couldn’t guarantee my package would be delivered today, but it would be delivered by tomorrow. She marked that the package could be left at the door and she promised to
ensure that my previous issue, and this one, would be grounds for coaching for their drivers. An hour later, I get another set of calls from Amazon Logistics (October 16, 2017, 4:32 PM) followed by Amazon customer service (4:34 PM). I get told that they can’t deliver today’s package because my apartment complex office is closed. They’re open from 12 PM to 5 PM on Sundays. When I spoke to customer service earlier (October 16, 2017, 3:12 PM) she assured me she’d put a note on this delivery that the package would be delivered to my door. Clearly, that’s not the case if once again I’m being harassed by Amazon Logistics about how to deliver a package to my physical address.

Also, why is this delivery driver saying my apartment office is closed when I just called them and they are, in fact, opened? The issue with this is that I’ve reported my issues with Amazon Logistics before and promised the same thing. Nothing has changed. The delivery instructions I provide on Amazon’s own website are ignored. I get harassed on the weekends with calls from delivery drivers and Amazon before they will deliver to my apartment. I don’t have to deal with any of this when UPS, FedEx, or USPS delivery my packages. What Can Amazon Do About Amazon Logistics? Every time I see Amazon Logistics delivers a package for an order, it stresses me out, and I’m not alone if you look around the web, such as on Reddit and even Amazon’s own customer forums. I feel I can no longer have packages delivered to my apartment after this latest snafu because I can’t guarantee they’ll be delivered properly by Amazon Logistics. Amazon needs to look at how drivers are trained to deliver packages, especially at apartment complexes. They need to make sure they’re trained to follow delivery instructions from their won website. Perhaps there should be a cut off on when you can change delivery instructions? Maybe they need to include a note in shipping emails pointing customers to where they can set delivery instructions for Amazon Logistics deliveries. I understand shipping issues happen, and I can forgive that, but when it’s every
Amazon Logistics delivery that has some sort of absurd issue, what else can I think but Amazon is failing its customers? This has become a nightmare for me and the frequency in which I order from Amazon because it’s the better option. I imagine it’s a nightmare for other customers, too. So, what will Amazon do to improve Amazon Logistics and provide better customer service to customers like me affected by its inability to deliver consistently? Amazon’s Response to Amazon Logistics Issues. I was asked on Twitter to escalate my issue via a customer support form for social media inquiries. I copy and pasted
the part above about my issues on October 16, 2017 with Amazon Logistics. This was the response I was received from Amazon’s social media support. It appears all they care about is that a package is delivered and in my hands; they don’t seem to care about the hassle, the lies, or the overall issues with Amazon Logistics for customers. Another follow up on the above email from Amazon customer service:
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