Yusen logistics wikipedia.
This annual report contains operating results forecasts of the Company and certain other statements
that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to management when the annual report was produced and contain many uncertainties. Actual performance may differ from projections for various reasons. Furthermore, the information contained in this annual report and other information on the Company's website referred to herein includes information for reference in making investment decisions.
However, this does not constitute solicitation to buy or sell the Company's shares. The final investment decision rests solely with the user of this website and its content. Editorial Policy. The Company issues this annual report only on its website.
In principle, figures contained in graphs, tables, etc., in this annual report have been rounded to the nearest billion yen or million yen or to the nearest whole number in the case of percentages, unless otherwise stated. Please Note. This annual report contains links to the Company's website, which includes the latest information on the Company and is outside the reporting scope of this annual report. Copyright (C) YUSEN LOGISTICS CO., LTD. ALL Roghts Reserved.
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