пятница, 26 июля 2019 г.

Company Name Generator Naming Tips 1

Logistics company name generator.

Company Name Generator Naming Tips 1
Ask why. Asking why people value your service is a terrific way to spark ideas. For instance, a shop selling fruit smoothies could seed brainstorming with concepts like "eat well," "live longer," or "fruit lover." Don't stop at one layer of "why." Dig with more "whys" until you scrape the bottom (e.g., "I like strawberries" -> "I try to eat fruits" -> "I want to eat well"). This approach should yield several two-word descriptions. Brainstorm with Panabee. Once you identify concepts that represent your company or product, use a company name generator like Panabee to suggest names and check availability. Panabee is a free service that searches domain names and app names, offering alternatives if they are taken. See an example. Use the radio test. Websites with simple spelling are easier to remember and share through word-of-mouth. If people can't spell your domain, they may end up at the wrong website (such profound advice we give). Quiz 10 people to see if they can spell your domain name. If too many fail this "radio" test, move onto another choice. Marry the cousin. If you love a concept, don't give up if the first name is taken. Explore related ideas -- close and distant -- and perhaps you'll find one you love. Say "cook.com" is taken. Consider other domain names with "cook" as the base and different beginnings and endings, such as "cookly.com" or "mycook.com." Or translate the idea into other languages. Perhaps you like how the concept sounds and looks in Italian. Use the Italian translation as a new base for brainstorming. Check secondary meanings. Some words carry cultural or secondary meanings.
Company Name Generator Naming Tips 1
Research on Google and other sites to ensure a domain is free of negative connotations. Obsess over product, not name. Terrible names may sink companies (e.g., Mad Cow Meats), but terrific names cannot lift companies to greatness. Amazon outshines everyone in e-commerce, even though one rival — Buy.com — owns the perfect name for online shopping. Would you switch search engines if Google renamed itself Moogle? Probably not. Google’s ability to surface relevant results is unsurpassed and not dependent on its name. Do you love your favorite restaurant because of its name or because of its food? Names derive value from products, not the other way around. Of course, some people may try new products based on name alone, but over time, the true value of those products will emerge and be what defines success. The more readily users can assess product fit through reviews and referrals, the less the name matters. Great names cannot hide poor products — especially in the age of Yelp and Google. There are countless examples of ordinary names representing extraordinary businesses. Apple. Four Seasons. Amazon. These names evoke excellence because the underlying services are excellent. Strong brands today will fade tomorrow once quality suffers. Think GM, Dell, and Sears. Spend time brainstorming cool and relevant names, but don’t stress if you fail to produce an inspiring name. Names don’t dictate success. Obsess over product and users. Build something people love. That’s how to build great companies and transform mundane names like IBM and BMW into ones worth billions.

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