вторник, 27 августа 2019 г.

Logistics Management - Telegraph Jobs Advice

Logistics Management. Published: 03 Oct 2017. Logistics Management is the vital part of the supply chain process that is responsible for ensuring the movement of various goods. Overall, Logistic Management positions are important to the overall efficiency of the supply chain as they: Satisfy customer demands Directly influence a company’s potential revenue Ensure superior customer service Maintain company spending by reducing the costs to move goods. Technology and Logistics Management. As more and more companies expand their reach across the globe, technology integration becomes more important within Logistics Management. Technology provides Logistics Managers with the tools to accurately track goods, analyse data, and adopt purchase order management software. Although technology aids logistics processes, it is still of the utmost importance that companies continue to hire logistics staff. Positions in Logistics Management. No matter the industry, the members of a Logistics Management team, are sure to increase the efficiency of the entire supply chain. This management team is comprised of multiple employees, and they include the following: Logistics Director. Qualifications needed – A Bachelor’s Degree and extensive experience in logistics are required for this position. Main Work Responsibilities – The Director oversees a logistics unit, sets the unit’s goals, and implements programs. Internal Relationships – The Director directly communicates with various managers to ensure the efficiency of the entire Logistics Management team. External Relationships – To successfully move goods, the Director maintains working relationships with outside vendors and suppliers. Expected Salary – £78,000 per annum. Logistics Manager. Qualifications needed – This job necessitates a Bachelor’s degree in a related field and a record of distribution experience. Main Work Responsibilities – This position manages the movement of goods by overseeing all aspects of the logistics process, including transportation, customer service, and warehouse organisation. Internal Relationships – Managers work in close collaboration with the Director, as well as other members of the management team. External Relationships – It is necessary that Managers often communicate with warehouse personnel and outside carriers. Expected Salary – £40,000 per annum. Warehouse Operations Manager. Qualifications needed – A degree in logistics, business, or supply chain is particularly helpful when applying for this job. Main Work Responsibilities – Warehouse Operations Managers manage storage operations and oversee the movement of product in and out of the warehouse. Internal Relationships – This manager works closely with warehouse staff to ensure the efficiency of operations. External Relationships – To efficiently move goods, the Warehouse Operations Manager must liaise between clients, buyers, and suppliers. Expected Salary – £35,000 per annum. Transport Manager. Qualifications needed – Most Transport Managers must hold a Certificate of Professional Competence, which provides vital information about legal and safety regulations. Main Work Responsibilities – A Transport Manager is in charge of managing shipments and transportation budgets. Internal Relationships – Since this is a management position, Transport Managers oversee a transportation department and work closely with employees to maintain operations. External Relationships – Transport Managers are in contact with transportation services and third-party carrier services. Expected Salary – £32,500 per annum. Distribution Manager. Qualifications needed – While not always required, a degree or HND are expected for this position. Main Work Responsibilities – Typical responsibilities of this position include the management of distribution operations, which involve warehouse and transportation organising. Internal Relationships – This manager oversees the distribution staff and often communicates with other managers throughout the process. External Relationships – Distribution Managers liaise between customers and suppliers to ensure quality distribution. Expected Salary – £27,000 per annum. Inventory Control Manager. Qualifications needed – Degrees are often required, but the experience is the most important aspect for landing this position. Main Work Responsibilities – Inventory Control Managers optimise inventory procedures and maintain inventory amounts. Internal Relationships – To maintain proper inventory, it is necessary that managers communicate with their clients and other managers on the management team. External Relationships – These managers oversee inventory, meaning that they must bargain with suppliers and manage warehouse employees. Expected Salary – £28,000 per annum. Benefits of Logistics Management Strategy. All companies should have a Logistic Management Strategy to participate in the supply chain process effectively. Three main benefits of adopting a strategy include: Team Efficiency : A stated strategy allows each member of the management team to be on the same page, resulting in efficiency at every step of the logistics process. Increased Profits : By maximising productivity through the adoption of a management strategy, spending decreases and profits rise. Predicting Future Demand : A Logistic Management Strategy allows companies to be better equipped to predict future demand and prepare accordingly. Logistic Processes. When putting together a Logistics Process, it is important to consider: Outsourcing : To reduce costs, you need to determine whether your product would be best obtained through in-house operations or outsourcing to a third party. Data : It is important to recognise whether data information systems are adequately reflecting current information about the company’s logistical data. Strategy : To ensure that your process functions seamlessly, consider comparing your strategy’s goals with the overall aims of the company. Logistics Management is vital to the success of companies across the globe, and the field continues to expand as data systems become more complex. By refining the Logistics Management structure, you are sure to maximise company earnings and increase the productivity of the supply chain. If you are looking to grow your career in this job sector, do take the next step by exploring the latest Telegraph Logistics Jobs. There is a vast range of positions available to apply for now covering areas such as driving, imports and exports, transportation, shipping, warehousing, and stock control and inventory management. We wish you the best of luck on your logistics journey.

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