четверг, 5 сентября 2019 г.

Multivariate Statistics SAS Code Examples

Carey: Psyc 7291: Multivariate Statistics. (1) The downloadable files contain SAS code for performing various multivariate analyses. The code is documented to illustrate the options for the procedures. (2) Some of the code was written before the point-and-click routines in SAS were developed (e.g., the ANALYST routine). In some cases, you can accomplish the same task much easier by using the point-and-click interface. (3) All the files are .sas files. In some cases, the raw data are included in the .sas files. Otherwise, they are available as a SAS data set (.sas7bdat format). When the SAS data set is processed, then the column "SAS Data Set" is annotated. Otherwise, this column is blank. Note that in some cases you must set the appropriate LIBNAME statement for your computer to be able to process the SAS data set. (4) To download, right click on the SAS code (and, if necessary, on the SAS data set) and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As." (5) If a SAS data set is specified, then right-click on that link and select "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" to download. Yout can also download the SAS data sets and related documentation using the Data Sets web page.

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