четверг, 5 сентября 2019 г.

Navy Logistics Acronyms and Web Resources

Navy logistics library. Navy logistics acronyms and web resources. ACC: Aircraft Controlling Custodian. ADA: Acquisition Decision Authority. AEL: Allowance Equipment List. APL: Allowance Parts List. APML: Assistant Project Manager for Logistics. ATAC: Automated Tracking and Control - Navy logistics database. AUTOSERD Automated Support Equipment Requirements Document. BCM: Beyond Capability of Maintenance. BER: Beyond Economic Repair. CAGE: Commercial and Government Entity. CAIMS: Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System - Navy ammo database. JLSC: Joint Logistics Systems Center. CAV-PC: Commercial Asset Viability Personal Computer - PC accessible database for tracking of Navy assets located at commercial repair facilities. CFA: Cognizant Field Activity. COG: Cognizance Code. COSAL: Coordinate Shipboard Allowance List. CRAMSI: Consolidated Residual Asset Management Screening Information system. CRIB: Computer Resources Information Base - database of info on IT for Navy, particularly logistics. COSIP: Computer Open Systems Implementation Program - "provides the U.S. Navy with an engineering and acquisition mechanism for introducing commercial and open system technologies" DCN: Design Change Notice. DLA: Defense Logistics Agency. DLIS: Defense Logistics Information Service .. 6M items of supply. DLR: Depot Level Repairable. DSP: Defense Standardization Program. EC: Engineering Changes. FIMARS: Force Inventory Management Analysis Reporting System: Afloat asset visibility/management. FISC: Fleet and Industrial Supply Center. FITS: Force Inventory Transmission System: Communication layer for FIMARS. FLIS: Federal Logistics Information Service/System. FLR: Field Level Repairable. FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. FMECA: Failure Mode Effects and Critically Analysis. FOSSAC: Fitting Out and Supply Support Assistance Center. FOSAT: Fitting Out Supply Assistance Team. FSC: Federal Stock Class. FST: Fleet Support Team. HSC: Hardware System Command. ILO/ILR: Integrated Logistics Overhauls/Integrated Logistics Review. IMA: Intermediate Maintenance Activity. IMRL: Individual Material Readiness List. ISC: Item Selection Conference. ISEA: In-Service Engineering Activity. ISSOP: Intra-Service Supply Support Operations Program (internal "outsourcing") LINK: Logistics Information NetworK. LM: Logistics Manager. MAPP: Master Acquisition Planning Program. MCC: Material Control Code. MEDALS: Military Engineering Data Asset Locator System. MILSTRIP: Military Standard Transaction Requisition. MIF: Master Item File. MP: Maintenance Planning. MPD: Maintenance Planning Document. NADEP: Naval Aviation Depot. NALCOMIS [OMA] [IMA]: Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System [for Organizational Maintenance Activities] [for Intermediate Maintenance Activities] NAMTRAGRU: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Group. NAVAIR: Naval Air Systems Command. NAVICP: Naval Inventory Control Point. NAVICP Knowledge Management System: Meta data about business of supply command. NAVICP On-line Inquiry Service: Direct mainframe access. NAVSEA: Naval Sea Systems Command. NAVSUP: Naval Supply Systems Command. NAVSUP "One Touch": One-stop shopping for all logistics data - requisition status, TAV, etc. NAVSUP CIS: Naval Supply Systems Command Corporate Information System - Variety of management information about supply organization (how does it integrate data?) NAWCAD: Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division. NAWCTSD: Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division. NHA: Next Higher Assembly. NLL: Navy Logistics Library. NSN: National Stock Number. NSO: Numeric Stockage Objective. OMMS: Organization Maintenance Management System - tracks all shipboard repairs, updates related databases both on and off-ship. PM: Program Manager. PMA: Program Manager, Air. PMS: Planned Maintenance System - defines minimal scheduled maintenance and procedures. POSE: Practical Open Systems Engineering. PVIS: Part number Visibility - System for regional tracking of part numbers. RA: Repair Analysis. RAM: Residual Asset Management - Database for managing transferring extra stuff, and mitigating waste. RFI: Ready for Installation. RFU: Ready for Use. RLA: Repair Level Analysis. SALTS: Streamlined Alternative Logistics Transmission System. SALTS: Standard Automated Logistics Tool Set - Encryption/Transmission ship/shore. SAS: Supportability Analysis Summaries. SERD: Support Equipment Requirement Data. SFM: Supply Financial Management. SMR: Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability. SNAP: Shipboard non-tactical automation program. SNAPSHOT: information systems which permit end-users, retail managers, maintenance managers, weapons managers, logistics managers and CINC/JTF staffs to obtain various types of logistics data from NAVICP-M and NAVICP-P data files. These files include the Master Information File (MIF), Weapon System File (WSF), Technical Reference File (TRF) and Contract Status and Due-In/Due-Out Files. SPAWAR: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. SRA: Specialized Repair Activity. [S]UDAPS: [Shipboard] Uniform Automated Data Processing System - has logistics, inventory management, financial management, and batch transaction subsystems. TAV: Total Asset Visibility "capability to provide timely and accurate information on the location, movement, status, and identity of units, personnel, equipment, and supplies" *** TD: Technical Directive. TEC: Type Equipment Code. TSA: Technical Support Activity. UICP: Uniform Inventory Control Program. VMSIR: Virtual Master Stock Item Record - Connects all Navy retail inventory systems maintained by FISCs.

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