четверг, 5 сентября 2019 г.

Navy Logistics Jobs

Navy Logistics Jobs. Navy logistics jobs support fleet operations. Related Articles. 1 Job Requirements for a Logistics Manager 2 How Much Money Can I Make With a Logistics Degree? 3 What Kind of Jobs Can You Get With an Embarkation Logistics Background? 4 Supply Officer Duties. Navy logistics personnel manage fuel, budgets, inventory, transportation and distribution of all of the Navy’s needs. Navy logistics jobs can include a ship’s post office, manned by a logistics specialist, combatant-craft crewmembers delivering a team of special warfare operators to an objective, and the strategic sealift officers and civil service mariners of the U.S. Merchant Marine planning and executing the sealift support for the Navy’s global mission. Navy Logistics Specialist. The current enlisted Navy logistics specialist position resulted from the merger of the storekeeper and postal clerk ratings. The logistics specialist keeps the records, maintains the inventory and keeps supply publications up to date using computers. The logistics specialist also plays a significant role in morale afloat and ashore, with the responsibility for operating ship and station post offices. After completion of training, pay for a Navy logistics specialist ranges from $19,740, or $1,645 per month for a seaman, to $62,220 per year or $5,185 per month for a master chief petty officer. Navy Supply Officer. Navy supply officers procure, account for and provide supply and distribution for all Navy supplies, from pencils and paperclips to submarines, functioning as the managers for the supply system. The Navy’s supply officers also forecast for future needs of the Navy in both the short and long term. Pay for Navy supply officers ranges from $2,784 per month, or $33,408 per year for an ensign, the lowest officer rank, to $15,401 per month, or $184,812 per year for an admiral, the highest. Strategic Sealift Officer. The Navy calls on strategic sealift officers of the U.S. Transportation Command to plan supply efforts related to the Navy’s operational requirements. Their duties range from scheduling of the Navy’s civil service ship crews, to dispatching ships to classified locations for resupply of the Navy’s warships. Naval reservists who hold licenses as U.S. merchant mariners, the Navy’s strategic sealift officer ranks, provide essential information on managing both the Navy-owned, civilian-crewed ships that provide supply services to the military, and the civilian ships under contract to the Navy for specific services. Pay for strategic sealift officers ranges from $2,784 per month for an ensign to $9,223 per month for a captain. Navy Ships, Civil-service Crews. The U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command ship inventory consists of ships owned by the U.S. Navy, but operated by civil service officers and crew. The base pay for civil service merchant mariners employed in Navy logistics ranges from $24,852 per year for an inexperienced ordinary seaman, to $199,234 per year, for a ship’s captain. References (5) About the Author. Will Charpentier is a writer who specializes in boating and maritime subjects. A retired ship captain, Charpentier holds a doctorate in applied ocean science and engineering. He is also a certified marine technician and the author of a popular text on writing local history.

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