пятница, 6 сентября 2019 г.

Netcentric Advocacy The 7 R s of Advocacy Logistics

Netcentric Advocacy. Advocacy Strategy for the Age of Connectivity. The 7 R's of Advocacy Logistics. After kicking around the Dell case study, I have been poking around logistics sites for insights on the importance of "placement" in creating value. It turns out that there are seven "R"s that guide exploiting supply chain for advantage. Advocacy groups need to think about these R's in the context of campaigns. How can your campaign be more effective by hitting the "R's". Your campaign will fall flat if launched in the wrong place, at the wrong time, if the quality is not good, if conditions are wrong and customers or voters are not interested. The campaign will also fail if it tries to attract the wrong customers and the price of action is too high. Traditional campaign planning focuses on improving quality and targeting the campaign. There is often not enough focus on ways to hit the other R's more effectively. Can we start setting the campaign in "holding patterns" campaign assets like staff, content, tools and funding stored in an advocacy supply chain. The result would be that campaigns (like businesses that focus on exploiting supply chain advantages) will be able more effectively meet timing and conditions set by the social landscape. Network-centric campaign strategy enables campaigns and organizations to take advantage of place, time and condition variables that can effect campaign outcomes. After kicking around the Dell case study, I have been poking around logistics sites for insights on the importance of "placement" in creating value. It turns out that there are seven "R"s that guide exploiting supply chain for advantage. Advocacy groups need to think about these R's in the context of campaigns. How can your campaign be more effective by hitting the "R's". Your campaign will fall flat if launched in the wrong place, at the wrong time, if the quality is not good, if conditions are wrong and customers or voters are not interested. The campaign will also fail if it tries to attract the wrong customers and the price of action is too high. Traditional campaign planning focuses on improving quality and targeting the campaign. There is often not enough focus on ways to hit the other R's more effectively. Can we start setting the campaign in "holding patterns" campaign assets like staff, content, tools and funding stored in an advocacy supply chain. The result would be that campaigns (like businesses that focus on exploiting supply chain advantages) will be able more effectively meet timing and conditions set by the social landscape. Network-centric campaign strategy enables campaigns and organizations to take advantage of place, time and condition variables that can effect campaign outcomes.

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