четверг, 12 сентября 2019 г.

Select Express - Logistics Reviews, Complaints, Customer Service

Select Express & Logistics. LOGISTICS, DELIVERY SERVICE. Select Express & Logistics Reviews (17) I spoke directly to [redacted] to apologize for the inconvenience caused to her during the referenced delivery. During our talk, I explained that the delivery team had in fact followed protocol – the items [redacted] had purchased were floor items, and were not in any type of protective. wrap at the store. Our team did wrap them in furniture blankets before delivering to her home, and then unwrapped them before attempting to bring them into her home. When they arrived, the team determined that due to the size of the largest item in relation to the stairway and doorway, there could be risk of damaging either product or the home in making the delivery, and asked her to sign a damage waiver. The photos taken by the driver team also indicated that they had done the correct thing. However, while the delivery team may have followed procedure, the bottom line for Select Express & Logistics is that [redacted] was unhappy with the service she received. The area where our company did a poor job was in not communicating delivery procedures and expectations with [redacted] at the time the order was placed. We failed to follow our procedure of advising [redacted] of a number of items that would ensure that sure she had the best delivery experience possible. Included in this was information regarding “no fit” situations. Had we done this, the anxiety and inconvenience [redacted] experienced most likely would have been avoided. I assured [redacted] that her experience is not indicative of the type of excellent service we normally provide for our customers – whether they be retail stores, or individual consumers like [redacted]. When [redacted] first raised this issue with our customer service department, she was credited $40 off of the $135.00 delivery fee she was charged. As a show of good faith, and in apology for her trouble, I offered to credit her for the remainder of the delivery fee. She graciously accepted. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] Bureau: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.They have issued the refund I requested. Sincerely, [redacted] Terrible customer service! I scheduled a furniture delivery with this company was given a date and delivery window and paid for the service. 8:42 pm the night before the delivery was supposed to be made they call me and tell me they need to reschedule my delivery for a different day. The first representative I talk to tells me it's because they have a truck out of service. The manager tells me they don't have the man power to make the delivery on the scheduled day. At this point I'm getting pissed because basically they are just feeding me **. I tell them that I won't be available another day and they need to figure it out and the manager says ok then we will find someone to deliver your furniture tomorrow I say ok and hang up. I stay home and sit around today waiting on my furniture delivery and about 2 hours before the end of my window and they call me and tell me that they need to reschedule my delivery for tomorrow. Basically it comes down to poor customer service, treating their customers like our time is expendable to them and we can just sit around all day every day waiting on furniture. Would not ever recommend this company to anyone and I will certainly never be using them again. The worst delivery experience ever. I had this company pick up a desk that was purchased as a floor model from a very high end furniture store. They lifted the desk by its top and damaged it fairly significantly. I filed a claim, but rather than suggesting that we work together for a repair, I said that I would prefer that they simply pay to have someone else deliver the desk. It would have been a whopping $120 gesture for a severely damaged $4,000 desk. They came back and said they would split the delivery because there was no proof that they damaged the desk--that it could've been damaged while on the show room floor. Did I mention that I had taken "before" photos to send to someone before purchasing the desk--just the night before? In spite of photo evidence, they maintained that, within 24 hours of pick up, someone at the store could've damaged it. Since the photos also revealed that it was heavily merchandised with books and breakable items, that would've meant removing about a dozen items from the desk, moving it to an unknown location, moving the desk back into the exact same location, placing the decorations in the precise dust outlines where they were before. Absurd. In the end, I told them to forget about the $60, and I intended to pursue greater damages in small claims court. I haven't had time to pursue it, but I certainly hope my tale will dissuade anyone from using them. Oh, and one more quick anecdote that reflects upon their customer service: they called me at the store after damaging the desk to see if I still wanted it delivered. I asked them to wait fifteen minutes for my arrival and inspection, and they wouldn't. When I called the customer service hotline to pursue a refund on the delivery fee, the telephone operator said, "Well, sir, when we attempt delivery--like when no one is home--we still must pay the driver." Wait a minute: you came, you damaged my $4,000 desk, you left without delivering it, and you're suggesting I should pay you for that? Give me a break. Avoid at all costs. Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. Sincerely, [redacted] When our delivery team arrived at the HomeGoods store, they only gave the driver 1 piece. We delivered the bench and not the book case, and [redacted]. refused the delivery. There apparently was confusion at the point of pick up on our part with regard to what [redacted] wanted. On March **, after receiving notice from the Revdex.com, Steve L[redacted] - our national customer service manager - left a message for the [redacted], advising her that we were refunding her for the entire amount - $244.66. She replied by voice-ail, saying that she appreciated that, and that she considered the matter resolved. We are happy to resolve this to her satisfaction. Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. Sincerely, [redacted] Select was responsible for delivery of exercise equipment purchased a Dicks Sporting goods. The original delivery date (8/**) promised was canceled by Select for no given reason on the delivery date. The next date agreed to (8/**) had a delivery window between 9am and 12noon. At 3pm after 5 calls Select was not able to give and ETA for the merchandise. Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. Sincerely, [redacted]. This is only an initial response. I will get details from our senior operations people, and we will respond to the Complaintant to resolve this. I will follow up with results of that resolution - Nick G[redacted] VP Human Resources, Select Express & Logistics. Review: I am incredibly incredibly disappointed with this company's service. . I had an order scheduled for delivery from 12-5 on 6/**/14. By 5 pm, I had not heard from the drivers. I called to track delivery and was told driver was behind in picking up my items, stuck in traffic, and would be there at 7 pm. At 7pm, there was no arrival and I called. I was told the truck had broke down and they were trying to find someone to get the items of the broken down truck and take them back to the store. I asked that the items be delivered to my home rather than returned to the store and was then told that wasn't possible, and she was wrong, the driver had never picked up my items at 10am that morning from the [redacted] store as I had been originally told and could not bring me the items. They rescheduled the delivery for 6/**/14 for a tight delivery time from 12-2 pm to prevent me missing another day of work. On 6/**/14, I called at 1:30 to find out ETD. I was told the window was incorrect and now wouldn't be delivered until at least 4pm. I explained I had already missed 2 days of work to get this delivery and would not be home that late in the day. I have missed 2 days of work for a $51.48 delivery. This is ridiculous. This delivery service is horrible. I can only hope they actually show up for the new reschedule tomorrow and my items are in good shape. I have tried to speak to a supervisor about this issue as well and was left on hold for a considerable time. Their service is horrible and inconvenient to say the least.Desired Settlement: I would like to be refunded the money I paid for this delivery. It was not in any way delivered to me as contracted. [redacted] was correct - she did receive very poor service from us. [redacted], Our [redacted], was already aware of the incident, and has since called [redacted] personally to apologize for the inconvenience we caused, and to advise her that she will receive a full refund of delivery charges. There was one misconception on [redacted]'s part – caused by a. miscommunication on our part. The delivery truck did in fact break down on June **. There was a miscommunication from the field on our part, and we advised her that the delivery team had actually picked the items up from the [redacted] store, and would be returning them after the break down. That was incorrect – the team never did make it to the store to pick the items up. Our customer service people relayed that mis-information to [redacted]. It was an unintentional mis-communication. We recognize that things can go wrong on any delivery. We would never knowingly advise a customer of something that was not true. We believe in communicating honestly with our customers – even when things do not go as planned. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. The worst delivery experience ever. I had this company pick up a desk that was purchased as a floor model from a very high end furniture store. They lifted the desk by its top and damaged it fairly significantly. I filed a claim, but rather than suggesting that we work together for a repair, I said that I would prefer that they simply pay to have someone else deliver the desk. It would have been a whopping $120 gesture for a severely damaged $4,000 desk. They came back and said they would split the delivery because there was no proof that they damaged the desk--that it could've been damaged while on the show room floor. Did I mention that I had taken "before" photos to send to someone before purchasing the desk--just the night before? In spite of photo evidence, they maintained that, within 24 hours of pick up, someone at the store could've damaged it. Since the photos also revealed that it was heavily merchandised with books and breakable items, that would've meant removing about a dozen items from the desk, moving it to an unknown location, moving the desk back into the exact same location, placing the decorations in the precise dust outlines where they were before. Absurd. In the end, I told them to forget about the $60, and I intended to pursue greater damages in small claims court. I haven't had time to pursue it, but I certainly hope my tale will dissuade anyone from using them. Oh, and one more quick anecdote that reflects upon their customer service: they called me at the store after damaging the desk to see if I still wanted it delivered. I asked them to wait fifteen minutes for my arrival and inspection, and they wouldn't. When I called the customer service hotline to pursue a refund on the delivery fee, the telephone operator said, "Well, sir, when we attempt delivery--like when no one is home--we still must pay the driver." Wait a minute: you came, you damaged my $4,000 desk, you left without delivering it, and you're suggesting I should pay you for that? Give me a break. Avoid at all costs. Review: We purchased a cabinet from [redacted] and contacted Select Express and Logistics to pick up the cabinet and deliver it to our home. We agreed to a delivery date of 02/**/2015 between the hours of 11am to 3pm at a price of $104. Around 2pm we called them to get an updated ETA. The response was that the delivery would happen withing the hour. After that time had passed, we called again. This time they said the delivery would be between 4pm and 8pm. Around 5pm we called again and we were told that the driver would be there in 90 minutes. 90 minutes later we called again and they couldn't get in touch with the driver. Next we called [redacted] to see if the driver had at least picked the cabinet up. They hadn't. The [redacted] is on the other side of Chicago from where we live, so there was no way that they would make the delivery today. This entire time, the company has not contacted us one time. We've had to call them to find out what was going on. That evening we call them back and reschedule delivery for 5-9 the next day. The next day we get a call saying that they wold like to deliver the product earlier if possible. After calling them back, we agreed that they would deliver it between 1-3pm. I told them that it needed to be before 3 because no one would be home after 3pm. I called to talk to the [redacted] at 10am to complain about what happened the day before. He never calls me back. Even after I left a message with one of the customer service reps that he manages and on his voicemail. 3pm comes along again and still no delivery and no call from [redacted]. We call and they tell us the delivery is being pushed back again to 5-9pm. This is outrageous. My wife and I are very upset. As of writing this, we still have not received the cabinet or a call from the [redacted].Desired Settlement: At this point I do not plan on canceling the delivery. I would still want a full refund of the delivery fee though. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I had the worst experience with this place in my life. I ordered some furniture from a store that didn't have delivery. Okay fine they gave me the number to this place. I set up the time and place. The driver/business was supposed to call 30 minutes before arrival so I could leave work. Did they no? They called and said they are there. I said please wait 20 minutes I'm almost there. Their dispatcher called and said I said they I wouldn't be back for 45 minutes, LIES! I asked them to come back that I was there no they are taking it back to the store. Called the store the next two days to see was it there no. Called the [redacted] and he said he will look into and told me they didn't have storage LIES! They set a time to deliver it again. Did they? Hell no! They said the driver didn't have the paperwork. Finally when they get ready to deliver it they go to the store and its not there. Why because its in their storage area they LIED and said they didn't have. I finally got it and supposed to get half of my money back. Will I get it we will see. If I had to crawl on my knees with it on my back I would rather do that than to call these unprofessional, lying customer service, drivers ever in this lifetime. Review: 03/**/2016 - Purchased delivery service of 1 bench and 1 bookcase from Homegoods (Rockville, Maryland) for $129.66 , OrderTrackingID No. [redacted]. Received and email notifying this charge on my credit card. Delivery scheduled on the [redacted] of March between 2 and 6 PM. 4:00 PM - Homegoods store calls asking of I do not wish the bookcase to be delivered because the pick up workers did have such information. I asked for both items to be delivered. 4:40 PM - Select Express & Logistics calls to inform that the delivery men only have the bookcase and NOT the bench. I was asked if I would like to receive THE BOOKCASE (which they called a "cabinet") and I approved. 4:45 - I call back Homegoods store, speak with a different manager, and let them know I will stop by the store to formally return the bench. 6:04 PM - the delivery window expired and I called back Select Express & Logistics, I am told that the cabinet will arrive soon. 7:56 PM - two men show up with THE BENCH and apologize for being late and not bringing my items. I am told is not my fault and that I will be reimbursed. I asked who covered the bench with the blanket and they said they did. I asked them if they noticed that it was a bench and not a cabinet. They said no, they thought it was a cabinet! At this point I ask them to return the item to the store. 7: 55 I call the store to find out more information and I am told that the delivery men did not wait for the item to be retrieved from the back of the store. 03/**/2016 - 10:07 AM call Select Express & Logistics to ask for an explanation and I am told that is the store's fault and that a manager will call me. 03/**/2016 - I am charged $244.66 by Select Express & Logistics without any explanation. 03/**/2016 - 7:55 AM - I call Select Express & Logistics to ask for an explanation. I am told a manager will come me back in a few minutes.Desired Settlement: Explanation of charges and reimbursement for not providing the service for which I paid (delivery of 2 pieces of furniture between 2 and 6 PM on March **, 2016) When our delivery team arrived at the HomeGoods store, they only gave the driver 1 piece. We delivered the bench and not the book case, and [redacted] refused the delivery. There apparently was confusion at the point of pick up on our part with regard to what [redacted] wanted. On March **, after receiving notice from the Revdex.com, Steve L[redacted] - our national customer service manager - left a message for the [redacted], advising her that we were refunding her for the entire amount - $244.66. She replied by voice-ail, saying that she appreciated that, and that she considered the matter resolved. We are happy to resolve this to her satisfaction. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. Review: First, they tried to deliver outside their delivery window. Second, they failed to follow my instructions to leave my furniture at my concierge. Third, they wanted to charge me a return fee and a second delivery fee. Fourth, they agreed to delivery my item without the return or second delivery fee. Fifth, a week later, they charge me the return fee and second delivery fee THEY SAID THEY WOULD NOT CHARGE ME! !Desired Settlement: Please refund the return and second delivery fee. This is only an initial response. I will get details from our senior operations people, and we will respond to the Complaintant to resolve this. I will follow up with results of that resolution - Nick G[redacted] VP Human Resources, Select Express & Logistics. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.They have issued the refund I requested. Review: I used SELECT EXPRESS to deliver a Sectional from [redacted]. They recommenced the company and i made sure i went over the cost and what was expected of me. Making sure i asked both the store and the operator from SELECT EXPRESS to cover my furniture completely and was told "yes". I was to receive the my furniture that Thursday but due to a storm coming they said they would deliver the sofa the Wednesday instead. They called me as said and I (single women) came home on my lunch break for the deliver to be done. The sofas were brought to the door with no covering on it at all. I questioned the company as to why wasn't the sofa covered i would of never moved furniture just putting a blanket on the sofa not thinking it wouldn't get scratched or anything. as soon as they saw it was a walk up they refused to bring the sofa upstairs saying it was a tight fit. After all the back in fourth with 3 guys in my house and corporate on the phone we couldn't come to any conclusion they were gonna take the sofa back to the store. I had all ready paid 135.00. So i told them not to and the guys left the sofa on the side walk and left me with i large sectional to take care of. I had to purchase 15 covers and plastic wrap from [redacted] and get my daughter to help me cover it.. After that i had to get help being it up the stairs. I myself picked up the sofa and got it up the stair with my brother. It was extremely heavy for me. That why i paid the money to have it moved. My brother and a friend brought the other piece of the sectional up. It took all of 45 minutes to bring them upstairs. I would never use the company again- I called never a call back from management and they wanted me to understand there policy instead of understanding that i wasn't told what they want me to agree with. Would never use the company again.Desired Settlement: gave me back 35 dollars i want the rest of my money and would never use them again. I spoke directly to [redacted] to apologize for the inconvenience caused to her during the referenced delivery. During our talk, I explained that the delivery team had in fact followed protocol – the items [redacted] had purchased were floor items, and were not in any type of protective wrap at the store. Our team did wrap them in furniture blankets before delivering to her home, and then unwrapped them before attempting to bring them into her home. When they arrived, the team determined that due to the size of the largest item in relation to the stairway and doorway, there could be risk of damaging either product or the home in making the delivery, and asked her to sign a damage waiver. The photos taken by the driver team also indicated that they had done the correct thing. However, while the delivery team may have followed procedure, the bottom line for Select Express & Logistics is that [redacted] was unhappy with the service she received. The area where our company did a poor job was in not communicating delivery procedures and expectations with [redacted] at the time the order was placed. We failed to follow our procedure of advising [redacted] of a number of items that would ensure that sure she had the best delivery experience possible. Included in this was information regarding “no fit” situations. Had we done this, the anxiety and inconvenience [redacted] experienced most likely would have been avoided. I assured [redacted] that her experience is not indicative of the type of excellent service we normally provide for our customers – whether they be retail stores, or individual consumers like [redacted]. When [redacted] first raised this issue with our customer service department, she was credited $40 off of the $135.00 delivery fee she was charged. As a show of good faith, and in apology for her trouble, I offered to credit her for the remainder of the delivery fee. She graciously accepted. [redacted]

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