четверг, 19 сентября 2019 г.

Top 100 Slogans, Company Slogans and Ideas

Top 100 Slogans, Company Slogans and Ideas. Top 100 slogans include well known famous slogans like "Nike, just do it”. This is one of the many slogans which capture the attention of people all over the world. This shows how effective slogans can be. They can get a strong message across in a short phrase. Everyone knows the Nike tick and "Just do it slogan" Other slogans that have worked well are the Coca Cola slogans, Burger King slogan and Adidas slogan. Some of the most memorable slogans are banking slogans, a service that is used by everybody throughout the world. Use the top 100 slogans when you brainstorm slogans for your campaign and make sure that it supports a strong message. An excellent slogan will capture the attention of your target market. Here are 100 examples of good slogans. Why are they "good?" Many are good because they're short, memorable, and meaningful. Some great slogans that play on words, especially the top 100 slogans: 1. 3M Company Scotch Tape: Christmas is a time to believe in things you can't see. 2. BVD Underwear: Next to myself, I like BVD best. 3. Canada Dry: Drink Canada Dry. 4. IBM Electric Typewriters: Many Happy Returns. 5. Forbes: Capitalist Tool. 6. Amtrak: See America at see level. 7. Calvin Klein Jeans: Nothing comes between me and my Calvins. Some of the top 100 slogans tell you that you're different from the rest: 8. Apple Computers: Think different. 9. BMW: The ultimate driving machine. 10. Campari: The first time is never the best. 11. The Independent (newspaper): It is. Are you? 12. Adidas: Impossible Is Nothing. Some of the top 100 slogans urge you to unleash your inner bad boy or girl: 13. Brut Aftershave: Splash it all over. 14. Courage Beer: It's what your right arm's for. 15. Esso (1964): Put a Tiger in Your Tank. 16. Hai Karate Aftershave: Be careful how you use it! 17. Levi's Jeans: Have you ever had a bad time in Levi's? 18. Marcus Valley Pickles: At last. A pickle that bites back. 19. Max Factor Cosmetics: To bring the wolves out - Riding Hood Red. 20. Arpege Perfume: No bottles to break - just hearts. Some of the top 100 slogans make you feel warm and fuzzy inside: 21. American Airlines (1973): Rest, keep warm and drink liquids. 22. British Egg Marketing Board: Happiness is egg shaped. 23. Cadbury's Flake: Sixpence worth of Heaven. 24. Carnation Milk: Milk from contented cows. 25. Post Office (1964): Someone, somewhere, wants a letter from you. 26. Ralston Purina Pet Food: All you add is love. 27. Allstate Insurance: You're in good hands with Allstate. 28. British Airways: We'll take more care of you. 29. Alpo Dog Food: Doesn't your dog deserve ALPO? 30. Pillsbury Foods: Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven. Some of the top 100 slogans urge you to clarify your priorities: 31. Friends of Animals: Extinct is forever. 32. Red Cross (1961): The greatest tragedy is indifference. 33. United Negro College Fund: A mind is a terrible thing to waste. And some of the top 100 slogans are just cute and/or funny: 34. Adelma Mineral Waters: Fresh Squeezed Glaciers. 35. American Coach Lines: If man were meant to fly, God would have lowered the fares. 36. Central Park Zoo: Come to the Central Park Zoo Cafeteria. Let the animals watch you eat for a change. 37. Matchbox: We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, and Buick combined. 38. Mohara Suits: Only 1 out of 25 men is color blind. The other 24 just dress that way. 39. Alba Dry Milk: Skim milk does not come from skinny cows. 40. Smucker's Jam: With a name like Smucker's, it has to be good. The top 100 slogans sell you on the business's competence: 41. Big Ben Clocks: Victory won't wait for the nation that's late. 42. British Caledonian Airline: We never forget you have a choice. 43. Castrol Motor Oil Castrol: liquid engineering. 44. Hyundai: Prepare to want one. 45. Levis: Quality never goes out of style. 46. Compaq: Has it changed your life yet? 47. UPS: Moving at the speed of business. 48. Tata Safari (Indian car maker): Reclaim Your Life. 49. New York Times: All the news that's fit to print. 50. Wall Street Journal: The daily diary of the American dream. But for many of the top 100 slogans, there's just that certain je ne sais quoi (or else they've been hammered into our brains for so many years they might as well be hardwired): 51. A&W Root Beer: That frosty mug sensation. 52. Alka Seltzer: Try it, you'll like it. 53. Brylcreem: A little dab'll do ya. 54. Clairol Hair Coloring: Does she or doesn't she? 55. Dial Soap: Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did? 56. Energizer Batteries: It keeps going, and going, and going. 57. Gordon's Gin: It's got to be Gordon's. 58. Hanes Underwear: Just wait'll we get our Hanes on you. 59. Kellogg's Rice Krispies: Snap! Crackle! Pop! 60. Maxwell House Coffee: Good to the last drop. 61. Microsoft: Where do you want to go today? 62. Wendy's: Where's the beef? 63. Virginia Slims Cigarettes: You've come a long way, baby. 64. Camel Cigarettes: I'd walk a mile for a Camel. 65. Burger King: the home of the Whopper. 66. Subaru: The beauty of all wheel drive. 67. Buick: Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick? 68. A-1 Steak Sauce: A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers. 69. Acura: The True Definition of Luxury. Yours. 70. Busch Beer: Head for the mountains. 71. Alka Seltzer: I can't believe I ate the whole thing! 72. American Express Charge Card: Don't leave home without it. 73. Bounty Paper Towels: The quick picker upper. 74. AT&T (1982): Reach out and touch someone. 75. Timex: It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. 76. Apple Computers: The Power to Be Your Best. 77. Budweiser Beer: When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. 78. Avis Rental Car (1960s): We're number two. We try harder. 79. Bank of America (1980): Think what we can do for you. 80. Wheaties Cereal: Breakfast of Champions. 81. Barnum & Bailey Circus: The Greatest Show on Earth. 82. M&Ms: Melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 83. Tide Washing Powder: If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide. 84. Benetton: The United Colors of Benetton. 85. Campbell's Soup: M'm! M'm! Good! 86. Benson & Hedges Cigarettes: Pure Gold. 87. Taco Bell Restaurants: Head for the Border. 88. Bic Lighters (1975): Flick your Bic. 89. Visa Credit Card: Visa - It's everywhere you want to be. 90. Borden Inc: If it's Borden's, it's got to be good. 91. Schlitz Beer: Schlitz . the beer that made Milwaukee famous. 92. Sprite: Obey Your Thirst. 93. Yellow Pages: Let your fingers do the walking. 94. Hewlett Packard: Expanding Possibilities. 95. Winston Cigarettes: Winston tastes good like a cigarette should. 96. Toyota: Oh what a feeling. 97. Sun Microsystems: We put the . in dot.com. 98. Kentucky Fried Chicken: Finger-lickin' good. 99. McDonald's: You deserve a break today. 100. Hallmark Greeting Cards: When you care enough to send the very best.

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