четверг, 26 сентября 2019 г.

What is logistic growth curve

Logistics growth curve. Still have a question? Ask your own! The logistic growth curve model behavior (population growth, sales growth, etc.) that starts off small, grows rapidly, and then levels off. It reproduces an “S” or sigmoidal shape. The first recorded use was in population models but it has found uses in many areas such as the spread of infectious diseases. A business example might be new product sales. They start off slow as the new technology is adopted, grow rapidly and then level off once everyone that wants one or can afford one has already purchased one. The typical equation used to model the logistical function is: The b parameters determines the steepness of the rise and the a parameter shfts the curve left or right on the graph. In the simplest case where a = 0 and b=1, P = 0 for large negative x and 1 for large positive x and has the value of 1/2 at x = 0. The function is available in Mathematica and some other modeling tools.

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