четверг, 26 сентября 2019 г.

What Is a Logistics Coordinator

What Is a Logistics Coordinator? Quick Answer. A logistics coordinator oversees the operations of a supply chain, or a part of a supply chain, for a company or organization. Duties typically include oversight of purchasing, inventory, warehousing and transportation activity. Keep Learning. What Does a Production Planner Do? What Careers Are Available at Kaiser Hospital? What Is a Merchandising Coordinator? Full Answer. In large operations, logistics coordinators often focus on a particular phase of the production process, reporting to a department head or operations manager who has supply chain-wide oversight responsibilities. A supply chain includes all the systems in place to carry out the creation of a product, from the procurement of production equipment and raw materials to the ultimate delivery of the final product to an end user. The precise duties of logistics coordinators depend on the unique characteristics of the supply chain they oversee. A logistics coordinator utilizes complex computer information systems to plan for logistical needs, monitor supply chain activity and track supply chain performance and efficiency. Work in this field is generally fast paced and can be stressful. Logistics coordinators must have strong analytical decision-making skills and be capable of working under time pressure. "Logistics coordinator," "logistics support manager" and "logistician" are used interchangeably as job titles in both government and business environments. Many logistics coordinators begin as logistics engineers, analyzing a company’s operations and designing solutions to logistical problems and inefficiencies.

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