Exercises and Simulations.
Games and simulations in this section help to enrich a classroom experience. In A Journey to Sharahad, an exercise available in PDF, the participants role-play American business persons who journey to Sharahad looking for distributors. Even though both Americans and Sharahadans want to do business with each other, there are some substantial barriers present based on their cultural behaviors
and communication barriers. The author, Phil Darg, has generously agreed to allow globalEDGE to make this exercise available for download at no charge (for educational purposes only). Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. A Trip to Mintana simulates a business meeting of Americans who have traveled to the fictional country of Mintana. The intercultural exercise allows participants to experience and adjust to different cultural communication patterns and to recognize some of the intercultural barriers in today's global business environment. The author, Phil Darg, has generously agreed to allow globalEDGE to make this exercise available for download in PDF at no charge (for educational purposes only). Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. A Visit with the Amberana simulates a meeting of American botanists who travel to the fictional country of Maranã. The Americans, ignorant of the host culture, must communicate with the Amberanans in an acceptable manner to succeed in their quest. A Visit with the Amberana is an intercultural exercise that explores verbal and non-verbal differences, as well as cultural values. The author, Phil Darg, has generously agreed to allow globalEDGE to make this exercise available for download in PDF at no charge (for educational purposes only). Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. The Academy of Management provides interactive teaching tools and methods for those interested in the field of international management. The site contains exercises for teaching and learning in different countries including India, Thailand, and Germany as well as other regions. Other exercises and case studies pertaining to management on a global scale are also provided. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: November 20, 2017. In Annamay in Mexico , an American toy company is considering expanding to a Mexican Maquiladora. Three company executives travel to Tijuana, Mexico, to investigate the possibility of outsourcing some or all the manufacturing to a maquiladora. The purpose of the exercise is to teach cross-cultural negotiation strategies. The materials for teachers and students are available for purchase on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. BaFa' BaFa' is an intercultural simulator created to educate participants on the effects that culture plays in every person's life. It is especially useful to prepare participants for living and/or working in another culture or to learn how to work with people from different backgrounds. It requires a minimum of 12 players. Available in PDF format. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. Using a simple card game, Barnga aims to communicate that despite many similarities, people of differing cultures perceive things differently or play by different rules. This simulation is available for purchase. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. Brief Encounters is a role-playing game that helps players develop an understanding of how culture impacts behavior and perception of others. This game will help players learn how to describe and recognize cultural differences through behavior, how culture influences the way we view the behavior of others, and how to communicate with others despite cultural norms. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. Carpenter Strategy Toolbox lists instructions for the Global Alliance Game which teaches the importance of international trade and relations between countries. Complete step-by-step instructions for the simulation is provided as well as a downloadable file for all the materials required by the Global Alliance Game. Information on how to debrief the simulation is also given on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: December 8, 2016. Global Challenge is an online business simulation game where teams representing mobile telecommunication companies compete by making international business strategy decisions in different areas of international business management. Free registration is required for first time users. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. CountryManager is designed for students taking courses in international marketing or business. The simulation is based on deciding the best way to enter either the Latin American market or Asian market with a toothpaste brand management team. Participants must decide which country to enter, which channels to motivate, how to communicate best with the customer, and which SKUs to offer. After building operations in one country, expansion into additional countries is the next step. A Faculty ID is required to view the full copy of the case. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: January 17, 2018. A dynamic, situation, and values-based series of training tools, Cultural Detective encourages participants to develop intercultural competence in themselves and their organizations. Cultural Detective participants identify and explore a culture using key values as "clues" to solve cross-cultural "incidents" or mysteries and develop practical strategies for enhancing intercultural collaboration. Around sixty culture-specific and topic-specific versions are available for purchase in the online store. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Diversophy is a set of intercultural training games for several different countries, designed for teams of 3 to 8 people playing simultaneously. Players are tested on cultural facts and appropriate behavioral choices and have the chance to share their own background and experiences with diversity or intercultural challenges, get advice about the culture they are exploring, and explore the risks of living or working in a new environment or with people different from themselves. Training games are available for purchase on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. The Econland game simulates the effects of macroeconomic policy decisions on a country. In the game, the user makes monetary and fiscal policy decisions in order to manage the economy of a country that faces the ups and downs of the global economic environment through a seven-year business cycle. Econland also provides a range of macroeconomic learning resources, including a weekly online economics newspaper, a quiz, and a discussion forum. While access to the Econland game is only available for a fee, several of the learning resources are available free of charge. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: August 28, 2017. The Ethics Game is a suite of online simulations that can be incorporated to a wide range of business classes. Three of the "Hot Topics" simulations feature an international focus including an exercise on the Foreign Corrupt Business Practices Act. The simulations stress the importance of team-building and help users make ethical choices in a globally complex world. Free demos can be scheduled, however all simulations require purchase after the demo expires. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: December 8, 2016. Exploring Culture is a training book containing numerous exercises, dialogues, stories, and simulations that put Geert Hofstede's five dimensions of culture into action. Authored by Gert Jan Hofstede, Paul B. Pedersen, and Geert Hofstede, it can be purchased on this website. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Export-Import Management System Online (EIMSO) is a management planning tool designed to help develop a company’s import or export strategy
and operational procedures. EIMSO consists of two
dynamic software programs: Export Management System Online and Import Management System Online, each of which consists of four modules covering various topics related to export and import management. A five week free trial is available, but a paid subscription as a student, instructor, or business is required to access
the full resources. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. FORAD is a computer-based learning experience designed to help corporate executives and bankers better understand what it takes to manage the financial position of a multinational industrial corporation. It is based on the issues and challenges which confront such a company operating in today's international markets. The simulation is usually played during a corporation's financial seminars. FORAD can be purchased by using the contact information on the website. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: October 10, 2017. Foreign Investment Negotiation Simulation (FINS) tries to simulate the
foreign investment process to improve understanding of interaction among the strategies of multinational firms, local companies, and host country governments. Negotiation and contract making is the focus of the exercise. The final report must be purchased. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Frost in France is a role-play simulation designed to teach cross-cultural negotiation strategies. Frost is one of the world's largest electronic recycling firms, and is planning to enter France through a joint venture with a French company. The case covers the negotiations phase. The simulation is available in English and French and can be purchased on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. The Global Marketing Management System Online (GMMSO), is a web based research and strategic planning marketing/management tool designed to help users bridge the gap between theory and world of business. The GMMSO4, consisting of three dynamic modules, will enable users to systematically conduct a company situation analysis in a global context, identify countries with high market potential for the specific products/services, and more. A free trial is available for instructors, but students must register individually for a fee to access the modules. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Global Operations is a generic, one-day strategy simulation that involves developing a world wide presence and product offering. Participants launch a new product in direct competition with several other teams and set up a factory to produce it. Liquidity will force them to decide between new product development, expanding capacity, or building their world coverage. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Global View provides a team-based business simulation where participants compete with other students around the world. They build a company from the ground up, making decisions on all aspects of business while negotiating via e-mail, chat rooms, and posting boards to buy and sell products. There are some international components to the simulation as well, although it is primarily designed for a capstone business course. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Globalization and Nigerian Oil explores the effects of globalization through the case of Nigeria. Participants take on the role of one of the parties involved in the political economy of the Niger River delta region of Nigeria - either the government, an non-governmental organization, a multinational corporation, or an ethnic group within Nigeria - and participate in negotiations about the future shape of the petroleum industry. This simulation is a part of a series of simulations by University of Maryland based ICONS Project. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. GLO-BUS is an online exercise where teams of students run a digital camera company in head-to-head competition against companies run by other class members. Companies compete in a global market arena, selling digital cameras in four geographic regions. Students must make decisions relating to all aspects of operations including R&D, product line selections, production, outsourcing, pricing, marketing, and finance. Registration is required. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. IndustryMasters offers a range of simulations on topics such as sustainability management, retail dealership, bank marketing, and machinery manufacturing. The business simulations provided are intended for use in business schools and advanced management education programs. The simulations are web-based and can be purchased directly from the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: September 20, 2017. Intercomp takes the participants through the various phases of the international marketing process. Several relevant international marketing issues are covered, including global segmentation, product adaptation, and standardization. The purpose of the simulation is to teach students international dimensions of marketing functions and to apply international business practices into situations. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: October 10, 2017. In the International Business Game, players act as the managers of international bicycle companies. Based on facts and events (demographic, political instability, climate, GDP, etc.), players determine strategic international decisions (such as building a factory in Brazil or in the UK, using an expat in China but a local manager in Denmark). Additional games are also available under the "business games" tab in the menu. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. In Intex, participants control an overseas subsidiary that sells imported products. They have to decide if they want to set up local manufacturing or settle it abroad. The purpose of the simulation is to develop international business skills in areas such as marketing, promotion, and teamwork. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Intopia, Inc. focuses on international business strategy, and the consequent challenges to integrate functional, regional/cultural, and product areas of the multinational corporation. Key features include negotiation and networking, insourcing and outsourcing, the value chain,
and logistical and currency issues. The setting is high-tech products (chips and PC) in both the consumer and industrial markets of Brazil, the European Union, and the United States. Special features include entrepreneurship and global events scenarios. The game can be customized through flexible parameters. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 14, 2017. Jeneryn in India creates a complex international negotiation scenario. Participants play the roles of executives of a U.S. medical transcription company contemplating growth through offshore outsourcing. Other participants play executives of an Indian company in Chennai interested in acquiring American business. All participants must act within company, country, and cultural constraints while working toward specific business objectives. Available for purchase on website. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. LINKS Global Competition contains two simulations designed for students
learning about global
marketing and supply chain management. These simulations are designed for undergrad and MBA students. Information is provided on competition dates and how to apply. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Marketplace simulations is a comprehensive simulation platform that allows participants to build
and grow an entrepreneurial firm. As their firm grows, participants role-play as various executives making decisions across multiple business facets including advertising, marketing, manufacturing, accounting, finance, and human resources. Simulations are available in multiple languages and range in difficulty to accommodate users with experience levels ranging from high school through graduate students and corporate users. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: January 15, 2018. Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) supplies links to learning materials in a variety of subjects including international business, globalization, marketing, trade, and finance. These includes online modules and tutorials about the different subjects. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: October 4, 2017. In Olin Life in China, a fictional insurance company is looking to expand into China. Three top officers will need to go to Shanghai to begin a negotiation process with the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. The purpose of the simulation is to teach negotiation strategies as well as the culture of Chinese business. The simulation is available for purchase on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Redundancia is a foreign language simulation where participants experience speaking a language non-fluently: how it affects one's ability to stay focused and connected with the listener, and one's feelings of competence and confidence. Available for purchase through on a link on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Representative Templates and Methodology for Stodder’s Comparative Advantage Experiments is an experiment designed to introduce students to the ramifications of comparative advantage theory. Students are paired up to take on the roles of two countries that must make production and consumption choices under a situation of autarky and then under a situation involving the possibility of trade. Handouts for the exercise are available for free on the site. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. The Business Strategy Game is a web-based simulation in the athletic footwear industry, and each company is managed by a team of players competing against other companies. The simulation tries to mirror the real athletic footwear industry to a large extent, and requires the players to make decisions on all operational aspects of business, including sales, marketing, finance, web sales, warehousing, and distribution. Companies can sell their products in four regional markets. A login is required to access all features. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. The Global Business Game is a web-based simulation that is focused on international business and
strategic management. It is designed primarily to complement undergraduate and graduate classes in those areas. Participants manage a company that is present in either the NAFTA or APEC markets, allowing them to experience the various aspects and challenges of globalization. Instructors have the ability to customize options within the simulation to meet the needs of their courses. Available for order on the website. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. The Global Economics Game is an educational software game that simulates economic activity in a global setting. Each player is in charge of their nation's economic policy. The object of the game is to promote balanced economic growth without excessive pollution, while maintaining full employment without too much inflation. Fiscal, trade, and monetary policies are used to avoid undesirable situations such as depression, stagflation, and hyperinflation. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Trading Game is a simulation designed to help players understand the impact of unequal resource distribution in trade. This site includes directions, needed materials, and reflection questions to help discuss the results of the game. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Voyage Beijing is a digital game using engagement, motivation and interactivity to teach crucial information about business travel to China. Simulating a first business trip to Beijing, the mission of the game is to arrange a business deal with a potential Chinese partner. You build or lose impression points by making choices in the interactions you have with the Chinese hosts. You can also earn knowledge points by exploring the game world, which is based on Beijing. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017. Where Have You Been? can be used in the initial class or session of an international management program. It assesses one's exposure to the rest of the world's peoples, and relates the importance of finding opportunities abroad. This exercise must be purchased for access. Last reviewed by globalEDGE on: June 19, 2017.
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