четверг, 1 августа 2019 г.

Exponential Growth Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript

Exponential Growth: Definition & Examples.

Exponential Growth and Decay
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Exponential Growth Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript
When graphed, exponential growth always looks like it is starting off slowly and then rapidly becomes steeper: It's a lot like spreading gossip about your ex: you might only tell your two best friends that he cries during chick flicks, but each of them tells a couple others, and pretty soon there is no one in the Western Hemisphere that doesn't know his secret - thanks to the power of exponential growth. Unlock Content. Get access risk-free, just create an account. No obligation, cancel anytime. Select a subject to preview related courses: Let's take a look at another example: suppose you have bacteria in a Petri dish. Maybe each bacteria splits in two; each of those splits in two and so forth. Since the bacteria are tiny and the dish is much bigger in comparison, there is nothing to stop the growth for a very long time. Like the rabbits in Australia, there is no force to stop the growth. In other real-world situations, of course, there might be predators or limits to food sources so that growth can't go on forever at the same rate but, instead, slows down. In this case, you have logistic growth . It starts off looking exponential but eventually levels out. Rates of Exponential Growth. Not all exponential growth is the same. The rice in the chessboard story doubled from square to square. It would still be exponential growth if they tripled instead, but the world would run out of rice faster. Or the rule might be that each square only has ten percent more rice than the previous one. In this case, the growth is slower, but it is still exponential. One example of slow exponential growth is money in a savings account. Suppose you are getting one percent interest each year, paid at the end of the year (which is much simpler than what really happens). This means that you get one dollar for every $100 you have in the account. Or, you get one cent for every 100 cents. If you start off with $452.10, then the interest you get at the end of the year is $4.52 - very simple. But, the second year you get interest not only on your original $452.10, but also on the $4.52 interest you earned in year one. So, the amount that gets added to your account is slightly bigger in year two and increases year after year. The interest rate may be small, but the growth of your funds is still exponential - the amount earned in interest increases year to year even though the rate remains the same. Lesson Summary. When growth becomes more rapid in relation to the growing total number, then it is exponential . With exponential growth, the actual quantity added over time gradually increases. There is no force that slows down or stops the growth to any noticeable degree.

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