пятница, 9 августа 2019 г.

Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Services

Logistics. LCE provides comprehensive integrated logistics support services which include acquisition logistics, sustainment logistics, logistics planning, and life cycle support services for the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, Defense Logistics Agency, and Foreign Service military ships and shipboard support systems. Services include obsolescence management, maximizing commonality across platforms, item reduction, surface combatant availabilities/ILS certifications, control systems and HM&E asset reutilization, analyzing Class Action Advisories (CLADs), TM conversions, training, EOSS, critical safety items policy, warehousing, alteration tracking and provisioning policy support. LCE offers logistics customers. Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Services. Life Cycle Engineering’s (LCE) Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) team works closely with you, combining engineering/technical and logistics expertise to provide full-service support. The team’s expertise, responsiveness and flexibility can help you optimize performance and reduce your total cost of ownership. We have the demonstrated capability to meet current and evolving logistics requirements for assuring that equipment and systems have end-to-end support for operational/combat readiness. LCE’s ILS team provides logistics services designed to optimize equipment and system readiness throughout their service life, including asset reutilization for decommissioned ships, at the lowest possible life cycle cost. With an emphasis on maintaining and supporting the modernization of equipment, our services comply with government and military directives and established industry standards. Our full range of logistics support services include: Acquisition logistics. Provide overall program management support Deliverable Review Management Advanced Planning Scheduling Funding Analysis Specification/Contract Reviews Develop tailored Contract Delivery Requirements Lists Provide coordination between technical and logistics organizations Provide Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in all ILS elements Develop Integrated Logistics Support Plans (ILSP) Provide Manpower, Personnel and Training (MPT) analysis Provide curriculum development (Norfolk) Develop RCM Level 2 Data Provide on-site test support Develop test plans/procedures. Sustainment/Life Cycle Logistics. Provide subject matter expertise in Supply Support, Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Technical Manuals (TMs) and current development ILS certifications Develop configuration overhaul planning (COP) data Provisioning/APL development and update via ICAPS Provide alteration and maintenance ILS support Develop TMs; perform IETM and AIMSS conversion Conduct “Backfit” RCM analysis and develop/ modify existing PMS Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS)/Obsolescence Management support (includes tech refreshes) Life-of-type buy analyses, shelf life management, PBL support, warranty management, spares assessments, and CASREP support Supportability planning and assessments Class advisory (CLAD) analysis and database maintenance. Technical Support. Obsolescence/DMSMS Technical referrals Life-of-type buys. IT Services. Program application development Database hosting Data backup storage, data integration, and analyses of Navy, DLA, and commercial database information.

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