среда, 14 августа 2019 г.

Link Logistics A 3

Link Logistics A/S Company Profile. Follow companies you would like to be a part of. When you follow the company you will receive relevant information from the company regarding available jobs in the company. The company can see your personal data, such as name, address etc. Thereby you are visible when the company is looking to recruit new employees. Link Logistics er en innovativ virksomhed, der beskæftiger sig med salg af transportløsninger til alle typer virksomheder. Vi er én af de ledende aktører på markedet for kurér transport og har et godt omdømme i branchen. Baggrunden for firmaets succes er et højt og personligt serviceniveau til alle vores kunder. I en danskejet og dynamisk virksomhed beliggende i Brøndby, Fredericia og Gøteborg. Vi er en engageret virksomhed på ca. 85 ansatte, der understøttes af en stærk værdikultur, der kendetegner virksomheden. Deler du vores værdier Respekt, Ansvar, Innovation, Mod og Kvalitet, er Link måske noget for dig. Vi lægger vægt på en høj kunde- og medarbejdertilfredshed, hvor medarbejderne trives og har det godt. Vi har en glad og positiv performancekultur, samt en ung og uformel omgangstone, hvor vi har korte beslutningsveje. When employees rate current or previous workplaces they award them within a number of categories. But the meaning of words is often interpreted differently and so we have briefly explained the intended meaning of the categories below: Management is your rating of top management and middle management as well as management credibility. Culture and meaning is your rating of company culture and values as well as your experience of a meaningful job. Career opportunities is your rating of the opportunities to advance and empower your career. Reward is your rating of the level of rewards and recognition of your work. Work environment and balance is your rating of the working environment and experienced work-life balance. Cooperation and relations is your rating of the community spirit and of working with colleagues. Link Logistics A/S as a workplace. Categories. Here you can see further ratings of workplace conditions. Note that the ratings in the categories appear separately from the overall rating score, which is a category of its own.

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