пятница, 16 августа 2019 г.

Logistic Train Network (LTN) - Description - Information - Factorio Forums

Factorio Forums. Logistic Train Network (LTN) - Description & Information. Moderator: Optera. Logistic Train Network (LTN) - Description & Information. Post by Optera » Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:26 am. Type: Mod Name: Logistic Train Network Description: Adds new train stops forming a highly configurable logistic network. License: private use only, no modification, no redistibution Source: GitHub Download: mods.factorio.com Version: 1.8.1 Release: 2018-09-12 Tested with Factorio Version: 0.16.51 Category: (Train) Tags: logistic, train. Small map running 5 trains in nearly realistic fashion. Showcasing station designs from simplistic 1 combinator to depots using train compositions and a truly universal provider/requester station. Designs for stations, depots, control circuits and more can be found in the Design thread. Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/U-TXRNQzL-U Thanks to Nilaus for creating this very basic tutorial. Long Description: After brooding for weeks over ideas in this thread I sat down and wrote this as proof of concept. Big thanks to Choumiko. Seeing how certain things work in Smarter Trains and Rail Tanker made writing this mod a whole lot easier. This mod adds one new train stop "logistic-train-stop" acting as anchor points for building a train powered logistic network. Stops consist of 3 entities, the stop itself and the automatic placed lamp (input) and yellow constant combinator (output). Stop: (behaves like base stop) read from train enable by default send to train enabled by default Constant Combinator: (signal output) train composition: position of wagons & locomotives in parked train (all stops) binary encoded signal of train composition up to 31 carriages with lsb at the train stop. More information about binary encoding here Expected train inventory after un-/loading is complete. (only Requester & Provider) Lamp: (color coded status) Values can only be read through green wire. green = 1: normal status blue = n: LTN Controlled Train parked at stop, n = number of trains yellow = n: Stop is part of a scheduled delivery, n = number of trains white = 1: not initialized red = 1: wiring error red = 2: deactivated stop pink = 1: duplicate station name (only Depots may use duplicate name) Lamp: (signal input) All Stops: Encoded Network ID - Binary coded signal assigning a stop to specific networks. (defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF = all networks) Deliveries are only generated when between Depot, Provider, Requester within the same network. Stops can be assigned to multiple networks e.g. 6 assigns a stop to networks 2 and 4. Depot: (ignores Requester & Provider signals) Stop is Depot - flags this stop as depot (default=0 false) Requester & Provider: provided items (positive number) and requested items (negative number) minimum train length (optional) - minimum length of locos + wagon allowed in this station (default=0 no limit) maximum train length (optional) - maximum length of locos + wagon allowed in this station (default=0 no limit) limit trains (optional) - number of trains (deliveries) allowed simultaneously at this station (default=0 no limit) Requester: Request Threshold (optional) - Missing amount of items/fluids triggering a delivery. (global default=1000) Request Priority (optional) - higher priority will be served first (default=0) Disable Warnings (optional) - Suppresses warnings, like no station supplying x found, for this Requester. (default=0 false) Provider: Provide Threshold (optional) - Amount of items/fluids required to act as provider. (global default=1000) Provider Priority (optional) - higher priority will be used first (default=0) Locked Slots per Wagon (optional) - number of inventory slots per wagon locked for this provider (default=0 false)

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