пятница, 16 августа 2019 г.

Logistical Nightmare - ROMIngtheworld

Logistical Nightmare. So last week we left our volunteering project in ‘rural’ West Java to explore Bali and some other surrounding islands. The most efficient (time/hassle) route ended up having us backtrack to Jakarta to fly out. The bus from Cianjur to central Jakarta was supposed to take “two to three hours”. We woke up earlier than originally planned at the suggestion of our host Kumis and were out the door around 8 am for a 6:55 pm departure. We had a quick errand to run (Acer tablet problems) but figured with 11 hours we shouldn’t really have a problem. Once we boarded the bus, through the smoking section in the back, we followed the usual protocol of a dozen grinding stops and fast accelerations through the tightly crowded streets. After about an hour we were well out of town and starting to make some progress when we came across a traffic jam. Motos, per usual, were still moving on the shoulder and between the two lanes but the cars and buses were sitting still. You could see the windy mountain road below us and every single car was fighting gravity with their emergency brakes. Soon after realizing this wasn’t going to be your traditional American rush hour (families were getting out of their cars for roadside noodles) we noticed the opposite lane was flowing quite nicely. We waited close to two hours and finally contemplated a change in plans, we were unsure when we’d be free and we started to question our ability to make the electronics pick up and our outbound flight on time. I decided to ask around to see if anyone was willing (always, if you have enough money) to drive us on two separate motos to the next big town of Bogor which we could take a train into Jakarta. My bahasa Indonesian/Sundanese isn’t worth more than a few pleasantries so it was going to be tough. From me lengthy explanation and service inquiry I often received smiles, nods, and/or “yes?” A few offered to rent me a couple of bikes but I don’t think they realized we were looking for a one-way trip. Luckily I found a gentleman who spoke proficient English and soon the word was out. I got a handful of unreasonable offers and then finally I agreed with a buddy duo that would drive us and our often unbalanced 17 kg backpacks through traffic for the next 45 minutes. We bobbed and weaved and were forced to pull our legs and arms in, so as to not loose them to oncoming. After a heart racing ride and a frustratingly long wait in the bus we were ready for a nice calm train ride. Contrary to popular beliefs, thing don’t always go as planned while traveling. Our drivers stopped at the central bus station and although we were clear before we left they seem to not want to take us to our originally agreed-on location. They are nice enough but the back and forth is getting us nowhere and a younger guy helps translate a barter for a slightly cheaper rate. Kindly, he then asks a cab fair for us which is very expensive and then directs us to the local mini-bus and informs us of the numbers we need to ride. After two different sweltering rides in packed 1980’s minivans we got to the train station. Fortunately enough we left the station shortly after arriving and were on our way to the capital via an uneventful hour and a half ride. We decided to hop in the first metered cab we could find and book it to the mall to get our computer. There was tons of traffic but we finally got to the store with about thirty minutes to spare. After a little wait we hopped in a second cab and headed for the airport. On the way we payed a few tolls (E explains this is common) and got turned completely around in the airport but finally pulled into the Lion Air (yeah, that Lion Air) gate. Through security and a quick meal for the first time since breakfast, we were waiting for the giant metal bird to take us to paradise. Now we are enjoying the peacefulness and postcard scenery of Bali and the Gili islands off of Lombok, a few places we could spend a great deal of time in assuming we had any to spare.

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