четверг, 22 августа 2019 г.

Logistics Consulting, Savoye division

Logistics Consulting. Implemented for several years already within the Division, the Savoye Logistics Consulting Department has developed. Backed by its success, this innovative department, which is unique to an integrator, shall now report directly to the Managing Director. A real advisory office within the Division and completely independent of Customer Service and Marketing and Sales, the logistics advisory department works with businesses on operational and strategic issues. Comprised of an experienced multi-disciplinary team, it meets all of its customers’ needs and on a wide range of issues: Logistics Auditing Masterplan The construction of industrial site organisation (logistics and production); The layouts and reconfiguration of warehouses and factories; Strategy Network design and optimisation; Master plan (logistics, IS, production); Optimisation “Do” or “do do” analyses; KPI and Data Crunching; Optimisation of order preparation, storage and production; Optimisation of resources through Lean 6 Sigma procedures; Project management and logistics project engineering HR Warehouse hardness and safety; Training; Assistance with logistics warehouse change management. Expertise missions. Audit references system. Auditing is not at all a commercial procedure but rather a real consulting procedure . It takes place on site, enables the identification of warning signs and surveillance items all while assessing the constraints of the trade, the company. It revolves around 5 lines of analysis which help answer the customer’s problem: • Steering : visibility of the activity, balancing of the facility load, smoothing of the facility load • Operators : load/capacity suitability, picking post ergonomics • Capacity : number of posts, stations, flow processes • Quality : controls completed, preparation errors • Availability : breakdowns, out of orders, maintenance Upon completion of an audit, the expert proposes the implementation of an overall method and provides for the assurance of action plans based on: A site needs analysis (Slotting) Slotting helps optimise the arrangement of references at a warehouse considering the physical characteristics: volume, PCB dimensions, SPBC. Observed results : space rationalisation, greater productivity, resupply proficiency. Reference placement (Mapping) Mapping makes it possible to position references in a warehouse in such manner so as to reduce useless movements . Observed results : 11% to 52% increase in productivity. Search for waste. Or how to limit non-added value moments by implementing targeted action plans. Observed results : optimised flows, decrease or elimination of non-added value tasks, smoother flows towards Takt Time. Barycentric analysis. By analysing the logistics activity and a given warehouse ensemble, determine the number of warehouses, their means of operation and location to reduce costs . Cardboard format analysis. Use a pre-packing tool to reconsider the cardboard box format by analysing the number of existing formats, the empty percentage inside the cardboard boxes and analyse the costs and benefits (consumer goods saved, maintenance prevented, optimised transport) The work station ergonomics reference. Ensure proper positions and postures and improve manual tasks that lead to MSD. Overall, contribute to increased safety, quality and time . Savoye Analysis. Savoye Analysis makes it possible to track the SRR (synthetic rate of return) of a machine with the generation of daily and monthly operational reports. The simulation. To anticipate the behaviour of complex systems, compensate analytical models that cannot provide a fine enough result. To accompany the rise in competitiveness upon implementation of a new industrial tool or reinforce the multi-disciplinary aspect of a team, the logistics consulting department also offers a list of 77 types of training with topics as varied as “fundamental logistics principles”, “stock management”, “knowing how to optimise your mapping”, “good ergonomic positions”, etc.

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