четверг, 22 августа 2019 г.

Logistics Courses & Business Education

The CCLP Program of Study. About CITT's CCLP ® Program of Study. You can improve all your professional abilities faster with CITT's CCLP (CITT-Certified Logistics Professional) program of study. As a learner taking courses towards the CCLP designation, you can be confident you’re getting the most comprehensive depth of technical education available with courses that compress well over 20 years of experience into five interlocking, progressive courses designed and regularly updated to develop and deepen your supply chain logistics expertise. And if you don't already have a business degree or diploma, CITT also offers world-class general business management courses to round out your competencies. What’s more, industry’s most respected professional designation may be closer than you think. For those who do have business degrees or diplomas, advanced standing and course exemptions are available. Professionals with 10 years of senior management (director level of above) experience may be eligible for the Senior Executive Fast Track (click here to learn more about your fast tracking options). And if you have five years (or more) of experience working in the sector, you’ve already completed the practical requirement to earn the CCLP (CITT-Certified Logistics Professional) designation. There are two academic requirements to earn the CITT-Certified Logistics Professional (CCLP) designation: 1. Specialized Logistics Courses: All candidates need to develop and demonstrate their supply chain logistics expertise by successfully completing CITT's 5-course suite of specialized logistics courses (either online through CITT or with one of our official academic partners) in order to earn the CCLP designation. CCLP candidates take 3 core courses , plus 2 electives. Core Courses: Electives—Choose 2 from: 2. Business Management Abilities: There is also a business management ability requirement. This requirement can be met by taking 5 business management courses through CITT (your choice from 11 available options). Or, depending on your prior education or senior level executive experience, you may be able to apply for exemptions towards the business management ability requirement (learn more about your fast tracking options here). Take any five of the following courses to complete the academic requirement to earn the CCLP designation: Or one of the following courses offered in partnership with the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies: You can take these courses if you don't already have a business degree or diploma, have gaps in your resume or just want to sharpen your general management skills. You only need to take 5 (or provide proof of equivalency) to complete the business management education/ability requirement for the CCLP designation. But take as many as you want for your professional development and to prepare yourself to succeed in CITT's elective advanced logistics courses. Click here to learn more about business management courses offered through CITT. Note: there is also a practical experience requirement to earn the CCLP designation. Click here to read about all the requirements to earn the CCLP designation, and here to learn about what you'll need to do to maintain your CCLP designation throughout your career. The CITT Program of Study is accredited under the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council National Accreditation Program: ______________________________________________________________ ®CCLP (CITT-Certified Logistics Professional) is a registered trademark of CITT.

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