четверг, 22 августа 2019 г.

Logistics education center

Logistics training center. Training center "Logistics" of the Coordination council of logistics - a leader of a business education in the field of logistics and SCM since 1997! The training center of the Coordination council of logistics was created in February, 1997 with assistance of the Moscow automobile and road state technical university (MADI) and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and is the first and oldest professional organization carrying out preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of logistics. For a long period of effective work were formulated the unique key advantages: 1. Fundamental school of sciences in the field of logistics and SCM. Since the end of the 1980th founders of the Coordination council of logistics together with MADI with the participation of key scientific, educational and design institutions formed the school of sciences in the field of logistics which so far is the oldest and the best in Russia and the CIS. 27.02.2013г. Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev signed the Order About award of awards of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2012 in the field of science and equipment the Dr.Sci.Tech., to prof. Mirotin L.B. and Dr.Econ.Sci., to prof. Nekrasov A.G. (heads of the Coordination council of logistics) for increase of efficiency of freight transportation on the basis of creation of steady transport and logistic system of modular type for high-speed processing and delivery of freights. The State award is a high award also for long-term work on logistics development in Russia. 2. The widest choice of programs of a business education on logistics. Training of specialists is carried out according to 15 programs of professional development of the differentiated specialization and forms of education (day, evening, intramural and extramural, remote), according to programs of additional professional education and MBA. Training is carried out also according to professional short-term programs: practical seminars, master classes, international training and trainings. Each program is developed on the basis of the analysis of tasks and problems of the trading, production and logistic companies, and also on requirements to training of the leading European universities. The majority of programs are carried out together with the largest European organizations in the field of logistics and SCM: ELA, BVL, Fraunhofer IFF. In cooperation with MADI together with Otto-von-Guericke-Universität (Magdebourg) the program of a magistracy of DOUBLE-DEGREE (double diplomas) is the only program in Russia in "Logistics and transport”. 3. Teachers and consultants of the Training center of the Coordination council for logistics are the best experts , among which are top managers of the companies and heads of logistics divisions, and also scientists with a world name. The majority of experts and teachers were trained in the field of logistics and management of chains of deliveries at the largest European universities (Loughborough University UK, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK, Middlesex University London, UK, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF). 4. Perfect technique and technologies of training. High efficiency of results of training is based on an optimum combination of a practical training (master classes, settlement procedures, business cases, imitating modeling) and system and theoretical information. Both during training and after its termination listeners have opportunity to get free advice from teachers (on an e-mail, Skype, phone or internally) on the presented methods and technologies and features of their realization in own business. Quality confirmations of training are responses of listeners. 5. Training is carried out on the most modern laboratory base more than 1500 sq. m which doesn't have analogs in the world. Four key laboratories cover all areas of logistics: laboratory of modeling and management of logistic systems; laboratory of control systems and automatic identification; laboratory of technologies of storage and cargo processing; laboratory of safety of chains of deliveries and monitoring systems of a cargo transportation. Since 1997 to the present according to professional programs were trained more than 8000 experts from the leading Russian companies, CIS countries, Baltic and Europe (Finland, Sweden, Germany, etc.). More than 200 corporate programs of training, including for such companies as Coca-Cola Company, by East Line, LG Group, Nestle, SunInterbrew, Vinlund, Interpayp Corporation, Komus, JSC Rusagro, JSC Russian Aluminum, Buzachi Operating Ltd, the National logistic company, etc. are carried out. Partners of the Training center in the field of of logistics are the largest Russian and foreign companies, such as: SCM Engineering, LogistiX, Optiscan Oy, JSC PKB Tekhnopribor, Festival Logistik, STS Logistics, BVL (The German logistic association), Fraunhofer IFF, etc. Traditionally Training center conducts conferences and seminars in the framework of the largest exhibitions, including TransRussia, the Warehouse. Transport. Logistics, Expo Warehouse, etc. For 17 years the Training center of the Coordination council of logistics is the organizer of the Moscow International Logistic Forum. Experts and teachers of the Training center of the Coordination council of logistics are holding consultations, scientific and publishing work in the field of logistics and supply chain management. For the period since 1997 more than 100 editions and publications are prepared. Among them are textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education which also became best-sellers for practicians: "Logistic administration", "Effective logistics", "Efficiency of logistic management", "The system analysis in logistics", "Logistic chains of difficult and technological productions", "The integrated logistics of accumulative and distributive complexes", "Transport logistics", etc. Since 1997 specialists of the Coordination council of logistics executed more than 200 projects for large trade and production companies that allowed to introduce practical methods and technologies in training programs. Сontact information. Phone/Fax: +7(495)763-91-95. E-mail: logist@ec-logistics.ru. Address: 125167, Moscow, 39 Leningradsky prospect, 14 building, 203 office. "The logistics center". Opening hours: mon-fri 10.00-18.00 without a break. Курсы по логистике в соответствии с мировыми стандартами и лучшими практиками проводятся крупнейшими специалистами. Обучение проводится на самой современной инновационной базе, позволяющей изучать наиболее эффективные технологии и методы в «живом» режиме. Подробнее »

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