четверг, 12 сентября 2019 г.

SCM Dictionary, The Logistics - Supply Chain Management Society

The Logistics & Supply Chain Management Society. Weather Forecast. SCM Dictionary. Membership. Contact Us. Like in most professions, The Logistics & Supply Chain Industry has become so technically sophisticated that a whole new language of terms, jargon, abbreviations and management buzzwords have developed alongside legal words and definitions. Compiled and edited by members of the Society from a number of sources, the aim of this dictionary is to identify these terms in clear, unambiguous English, and providing accurate definitions and descriptions. When completed, the 5000+ terms, abbreviations and acronyms will perhaps be one of the most comprehensive dictionaries of its kind currently available. The target date for completion of this online dictionary is September 2009 with the print copy to be available shortly thereafter. If you cannot find the term that you are looking for or would like to have a definition added, please e-mail me at and we will be more than happy to assist you or add your definition to the glossary.

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