четверг, 12 сентября 2019 г.

SCM Supply Chain Management Definitions - Terms, Supply Chain Resource Cooperative, NC State Univers

Supply Chain Resource Cooperative. Sep 5, 2018 | Articles. You Can’t Buy Digital Transformation “Off the Shelf”…(And Expect Results) Companies everywhere are setting aside budgets for investment in upgrading their analytics capabilities. Very often, this involves investments in cloud-based computing, data warehouses, artificial intelligence, business intelligence dashboards, and multiple other forms of software and hardware investments. But the truth […] Aug 24, 2018 | Articles. New MBA Healthcare Analytics Class Takes Off This Fall. Healthcare providers are facing continued lower operating margins, increased risks and potentially once-in-a-lifetime health care reform. With this backdrop, there is an increasing focus on Supply Chain Management as a means to minimize risk, optimize operating costs, improve revenue, improve […] Jul 16, 2018 | Articles. Pharmaceutical offshoring makes recalls more costly with more quality headaches. I spent some time working on a study of how offshoring impacts quality issues, specifically product recalls, with a number of researchers at the University of Palermo, led by Manfredi Bruccoleri. Our research led to some very interesting findings on […] Jun 21, 2018 | Articles. The Risks and Benefits of Socializing with Suppliers. I had a chance to meet with a group of supply chain executives at the University of Calgary this week, which included a discussion by Ken Rawson. Ken has over 30 years of experience working in supply management, first with […] May 29, 2018 | Articles. The Lowly Wooden Pallet is a Critical Conveyance in the Supply Chain. In a recent interview, discussions with Patrick Atagi, VP for Advocacy & External Affairs at the National Wooden Pallet and Contain Association (NWPCA) helped to educate me on just how prolific wooden pallets are in the global supply chain. Patrick […] May 17, 2018 | Articles. Master Data System Enables Quick Wins Through Component Standardization. Having a robust master part and master supplier list can yield many low hanging fruit for organizations in the early stages of their procurement transformation. Many of these opportunities can be driven by looking at redundant part numbers, contracts that […] Apr 28, 2018 | Articles. SCRC Executive Panel Discussion: “Relational Contracting in an Uncertain Ecosystem” A panel of industry practitioners offered their views on how market trends and technologies are impacting contract management and relational contracting at the latest SCRC meeting on April 19. Thank you to our guest writer, Kirsten Gallagher, from the Global […] Apr 21, 2018 | Articles. Relational Contracting Part I: MUFG Experiments with Blockchains. “One of the best meetings ever!” This is a comment I hear a lot at the conclusion of every one of our SCRC meetings the past few years. Either we are getting better and better at bringing in some of […] Apr 16, 2018 | Articles. Relational Contracts Student Insight: Codifying the Deal is Key! In Part 2 of our blog series leading up to the SCRC meeting this coming Thursday on “Relational Contracting”, we feature a white paper developed by Tracy Burnett, a second year MBA in our online program. Tracy here discusses some […] Apr 15, 2018 | Whitepapers. Relational Contracts Student Project: Alternative Means to Settling Contract Disputes. As part of the lead-up to our SCRC meeting this week on Relational Contracting, I am featuring the first of five papers by some of our online MBA students who took my relational contracting class. The first of these by […]

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